Society of 83
The Society of 83 is a financial resource created in honor of John Austin Stephens, who in 1883 founded the Sons of the Revolution in New York. The Society of 83 provides outreach as needed to the approximately 30 societies of the Sons of the Revolution. A primary purpose of the Society of 83 is to provide assistance in the performance of essential duties in the fulfillment of mission objectives. The Society of 83 is funded mostly by the generous support of the members of the Sons of the Revolution. Through June of 2023, donations total $81,550.00$4,531.00 donated
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All Members are asked to Login by Clicking the “LOG IN” button at the top right corner of the Home Page. Use your Member Number as your username. Once you…
Children of the American Revolution (CAR) Traveling Banner Award 2020
News from HQ – The Children of the American Revolution (CAR) National virtual Meeting was held this weekend, and the SR Traveling Banner Award went to New Hampshire. The Traveling…
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